Standard of Performance

The Standard of Performance is about a thriving Block Harbor. Conversely, not meeting it is equivalent to stagnating. The following core points intend to communicate what we expect from every single member of this team. The score will take care of itself. 

The automotive and cybersecurity industries are professional industries. This should go without saying: be professional. As defined in Professionalism 101.

If you don’t plan it appropriately, it’ll never get done – and whatever gets done won’t be good. 

Every action we take should start with the customer in mind. Their feelings, their perception, their problems, their environment – start there, and work backwards. 

Prioritize understanding and empathy in every conversation.

We succeed together. We fail together. We work together or we don’t work at all.

You have a voice, advocate for your ideas – especially if you disagree.  Decisions are to be made quickly! Once decided, commit, regardless of which side you were on – anything less is a waste of everybody’s time.

Getting closer to the truth requires novel thinking and will be riddled with failure. Recognize failure quickly, and don’t repeat the same failure twice – that’s insanity.

Clearly see something that’s not getting done? You own it. Someone else not getting it done? You own holding them accountable.

It’s important to understand problems, but never stop at the problem. Every problem has a solution. Spend your time on the solution.

Your ideas, your deliverables – you have a platform here at BH to lead the industry. It is your responsibility to use it. 

Any deliverable – internal or external – will be assessed as your best work. There is no excuse for anything less.

Great ideas always have roots back to first principles. Without it, you are simply lucky if your idea works. 

The world is watching you. Your actions and inactions matter. Our logo means excellence.

If you are frustrated with others behavior, it is because you allowed it. The team will follow your example.